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Suchergebnisse für

Magnesium - Import Export



Überprüft von Europages

Witteler Magnesiumfein 50-40 besteht zu 50 % aus Calciumcarbonat und 40 % Magnesiumcarbonat. Dieser magnesiumhaltige kohlensaure Kalk weist eine feine Vermahlung auf und wirkt nachhaltig. Anwendung: Dieses naturbelassene Produkt wird als Dünger auf Acker- und Grünland eingesetzt. Eine Ausbringung ist auch in Kombination mit organischen Düngern möglich, wobei eine Einarbeitung in den Boden, speziell für den Naturkalk, nicht erforderlich ist. Nutzen: Witteler Magnesiumfein 50-40 sorgt für eine langfristige Optimierung der Ernteerträge durch eine Verbesserung und Stabilisierung der Bodenstruktur. Der hohe Magnesiumgehalt führt zu einer verbesserten Chlorophyllbildung in den Pflanzen. Daher bietet sich Witteler Magnesiumfein 50-40 für die Grünland-, aber auch für die Gemüse- und Obstdüngung an.

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Überprüft von Europages

Indikatorstreifen zum einfachen Nachweis von Wasserstoffperoxid. Mit den Sanosil Teststreifen lässt sich der Wasserstoffperoxid Gehalt im Wasser schnell und einfach feststellen. Es handelt sich um eine Grobbestimmung. Der Messbereich liegt zwischen 0-100 mg/l. In einer Dose befinden sich 100 Teststreifen. Jeder Streifen kann nur einmal verwendet werden. Kühl und trocken lagern, vor Sonnenlicht schützen. Immer sofort verschließen. 1 Verpackungseinheit: 1 Dose mit 100 Teststreifen

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Dieses Messgerät erfasst CO2-Gehalt, Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, atmosphärischen Druck und bildet Klimabedingungen präzise ab. Farbige LEDs zeigen die Raumluftqualität per Ampelprinzip an. Internet-Fähigkeit ermöglicht Kontrolle von jedem Ort. Einsatzbereiche: Büros Schulklassen Lagerräume Hotelzimmer Labore Arztpraxen, Apotheken Verkaufsräume

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Short time symptomatic treatment of sore throat.

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for the symptomatic relief of digestive disorders such as bloating and flatulence

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THMP used to relieve symptoms of temporary nervous cardiac complaints (e.g. palpitations, percceived extra heart beat, due to mild anxiety) after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor THMP for relief of mild symptomsof mental stress and to aid sleep

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for the use as an demulcent preparation for the symptomatic treatment of oral or pharyngeal irritation and associated dry cough. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for symptoms of asthenia such as fatigue and weakness. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use

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Traditional herbal medicinal product used to increase the amount of urine to achieve flushing of the urinary tract as adjuvant in minor urinary complaints. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use

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Traditional herbal medicinal product to increase the amount of urine to achieve flushing of the urinary tract a adjuvant in minor urinary complaints. The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusively based upon long-standing use

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Herbal medicinal product for the symptomatic treatment of mild depressive episodes

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Herbal medicinal product for the symptomatic treatment of mild depressive episodes

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Herbal medicinal product for the short-term prevention and treatment of common cold

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Herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in case of productive cough

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Herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in case of productive cough

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Herbal medicinal product for the relief of mild nervous tension and sleep disorders

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Prevention and symptomatic treatment of Diarrhoea. Adjuvant treatment of acne

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Prevention and symptomatic treatment of Diarrhoea. Adjuvant treatment of acne

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Prevention and symptomatic treatment of Diarrhoea. Adjuvant treatment of acne

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for the use as an demulcent preparation for the symptomatic treatment of oral or pharyngeal irritation and associated dry cough. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use

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Traditional herbal medicinal product used for tretment of eaarly symptoms of mild urinary tract infections such as burning sensation during urination and/or frequent urination The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use

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Supportive Treatment of respiratory tract infections, e.g. bronchitis or sinusitis

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Supportive Treatment of respiratory tract infections, e.g. bronchitis or sinusitis

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of lowerurinary tract symptoms related to a overactive bladder after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of lowerurinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia or related to a overactive bladder after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor.

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for the symptomatic relief of digestive disorders such as dyspepsia with a sensation of fullness, bloating and flatulence. The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in the specified indication exclusively based upon long- standing use.

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Traditional herbal medicinal product for relief of mild symptoms of mental stress and to aid sleep The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for the use in the specified indications exclusively based upon long-standing use

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Herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in case of productive cough

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Herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in case of productive cough

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Suchergebnisse für

Magnesium - Import Export

Anzahl der Ergebnisse

35 Produkte
